So I've shared with you all how wonderful and moving the whole DC-Inauguration-Celebration thing was, but there was a lot more to my trip than just the official events. I'll get to those too, but for now I want to tell you about some other things that happened. I got to hang out with some very good friends, got to meet some new friends and got to take what I think are very cool photos in some places I was introduced to by said friends. Overall the experience was well worth it. I can't wait for my next adventures. So much to photograph, so little time...
First of all I have to thank Ken for being an incredible host. He is a true friend and master of the Mojito. I'm a lightweight so I can only handle one... at a time, that is... outstanding!

Before and After

Next, up another friend I've grown to cherish. Believe it or not we've known each other for over 10 years now and this is the first time we've actually been in the same room together. Zun is one of those people you start a conversation with and you feel like you've known them all your life. This was one of those rare moments when all the hype is brought to reality... AND you are pleasantly surprised! Zun is top notch.

As it turned out he happened to be staying about 8 min from where I was. Imagine that. Obama really is the Great Uniter, aye? (Zun is Canadian..get it? Aye?... never mind.)
More photos below and ...
Happiness... camera, good food, iPhone...

The crowds before the Inauguration

A cool song I heard playing near the National Mall. I got one if anyone wants to hear it.
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